How to upload a video
1.Please register to add a video. Fill out the form fields completely, choose your desired option (Professor of student) and click “register” button.
2. Please click the red button”ADD VIDEO” to move through the video upload section.
3. You should be moved to the control panel, where you name the video in the first field, then choose the button “YouTube”, place a Youtube link into the field and press “Okey”.
4. Once you have the link added, please write below the following: 1) description of the video you wish to upload. 2) Choose the category name. You can choose multiple categories. 3)In the field “Post Tags” please write the language of your video. “Geo. Eng or Other”. You also can choose a language by clicking “Choose from the most tags”.
5. Click Publish button. Find Screen Options at the top of the page and click it.
6. Your video has been added. However the video you have added does not have Photo Thumbnail and if you wish to add it, you should select Custom Field. You turn on this option ones and it will be selected automatically for the next video uploads.
7. A new window appears below (Custom Fields). Select “Thumb” in the list box then drag and drop photo of the video into the text field.
8. Click “Update” button to refresh the video you have updated.
9. To add the length of the video, please choose “Duration” in the list box.
At the right side into the text field please write duration time, than click “Update”
10. Your video is now uploaded. If you video is one of the part of your lecture please insert other parts in the same post. Just continue adding video under you older post. See image
11. Result
click “Back to the university Video Channel”